Rewarding Careers

We’re excited for you to consider joining the St. Michael’s Health Group. Explore the career opportunities below and learn more about why working for SMHG is a great choice. We firmly believe every employee makes a difference. We look forward to working together and developing a mutually satisfying relationship with all.

Learning And Developing

St. Michael’s Health Group of companies supports the concept of continuing education for all its permanent full time and part time employees. A special education fund has been established through St. Michael’s Extended Care Centre Society to provide financial assistance to all eligible employees through the Partnerships in Learning Program. Funds are contributed annually for the educational development of St. Michael’s employees.

Professional development funding is available to St. Michael’s Health Group staff through our “Partnerships In Learning” Program. View our PIL brochure. More information about the PIL program is available by contacting the Human Resource office.

In-house continuing education is offered to St. Michael’s Health Group employees monthly. Workshops and education sessions are conducted on-site by our Educator.

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