April 16 Visitation Guidelines
Here to keep you updated! St. Michael’s family updates/news as things change and evolve. Links to information and resources can be found on smhg.ca/covid19
April 16, 2021 Visitation Access Guidelines
These visiting guidelines are critical public health safety measures and must be implemented and observed by all persons to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Please review this information as it is important that we adhere to the guidelines as set down by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
At St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre (SMLTCC) and in keeping with province wide restrictions, the safe visitation policy is:
- Indoor visits are restricted with the following guidelines: up to two (2) Designated Family/Support Persons (DF/SP) can visit based on pre-arranged Standing schedule; and in cases where extenuating circumstances (EC) arise as indicated in detail below. Please contact the Case Manager to make
NOTE: DF/SP must be identified by Resident or alternate decision maker, cannot be under 18 years of age, and cannot be changed regularly but can be temporarily replaced depending on circumstances, please contact the Case Manager to confirm the DF/SP.
- All in-person Social Visits (visits for guests other than the DF/SP) are suspended at this time. Please note: when social visits are allowed, you will still need to set up a pre-arranged time and
- Very Important: If you are not feeling well on the day of your scheduled visit or if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms which are new or unusual for you – it is important to stay at home – do not come to St. Michael’s
Designated Family/Support Persons
Each Resident or alternate decision maker is to confirm up to two (2) Designated Family/Support Persons who will be recognized as part of the Resident’s care team and supported as essential to maintaining the Resident’s mental and physical health.
These persons shall be at least 18 years of age (unless there are exceptional circumstances to be considered) and may be a family member, friend, companion, support worker, legal guardian or any other person identified by the Resident or alternate decision maker.
If the DF/SP will be away and need a temporary change, please contact us.
Indoor Visits
Indoor visits are restricted to: up to two (2) confirmed DF/SPs can visit based on the Standing schedule pre-arranged with Case Manager (the same schedule every week);
and secondly in cases where extenuating circumstances (EC) arise other individuals may be permitted to visit as indicated in details below.
Note: If St. Michael’s is on outbreak the guidelines may be adjusted
Extenuating circumstances include:
- End of life is approaching (Resident is recognized as likely being within their last 4-6 weeks of life)
- There has been a significant change in the Residents’ health status with the Residents’ health suddenly compromised
- Legal or financial matters that require a visit with someone other than a DF/SP
Whenever extenuating circumstances exist, other individuals are able to attend indoor visits. All individuals and visits must be coordinated with the Case Manager.
Visits may include a maximum of the two (2) DF/SPs if the Resident is in a private room, or one (1) DF/SP per Resident if the Resident is in a semi-private room. Visitors are to undergo screening upon entry, including temperature check, remain at least 6 feet (2m) from the Resident whenever possible during the visit and to don all appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Yes, DF/SP can take residents outside during their scheduled visits, and stay at St. Michael’s property or go on a walkway around Northgate Lions Senior Rec
- In addition to being able to go for a walk, we have now opened the Patio and Garden area so you can sit and visit This area will be available on a first come first served basis and there will be: 5 tables on the Patio——– 5 tables in the Garden
- Please note: you must not occupy the tables designated for Millennium
- You must re-enter the building through the Front
- Upon re-entering both DFSP and resident must perform hand DF/SP must put on a clean mask and must disinfect their eye protection.
- DF/SP must wear mask at all times outside while with Resident and Resident is encouraged to wear a
- Resident with DF/SP may use the front entrance to exit
- Resident and DF/SP returning from the outside visit do NOT need to undergo screening again, as they do not leave St. Michael’s property grounds or the walkway around Northgate Lions Senior Rec
- Only the DF/SPs will be with Resident outside at present time as the COVID-19 and Variant cases are on the rise in Edmonton
Please be mindful and give priority to staff coming to work as they need to be at their workplace on time.
Visits will be pre-arranged and can be for up to the full time allotted below but to ensure a safe number of people on site at once, visitors must arrive and leave within the allotted time. All scheduled visits Monday to Friday at 5:45 pm must arrive punctually as the doors will be locked by 6:00 pm when reception staff leave for the day. Nursing staff will not be able to come open the door for visitors who are late.
Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
5:45 pm – 7:45 pm
Saturday and Sunday
9:00 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
To pre-arrange a visit, please contact:
Lia N. 780-472-4790 / LNudelman@smhg.ca for Residents on the 1st floor;
or Jackie K. at 780-472-4795 / JKwiatkowski@smhg.ca for the 2nd floor.
To safely accommodate all requested visits and visitors, a Standing schedule will be created and remain the same from week to week.
Note: If St. Michael’s is on outbreak the guidelines may be adjusted
Yes! To keep your loved one safe, during the visit you must keep your mask and eye protection on at all times. Every visitor will be given a surgical procedure mask and protection eye glasses when you arrive and go through the screening process at entry. Glasses are to be left when you exit.
No other masks are allowed to be worn inside by visitors, family or staff.
If you cannot make the scheduled indoor visit time, that is fine, you do not need to notify anyone. However, please do not come at any other time – you will have to wait until your next scheduled visit to come on site
If you are not feeling well on the day of your scheduled visit or if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms which are new or unusual for you – it is important to stay at home – do not come to St. Michael’s.
Please arrive at the main Long Term Care Centre entrance. You will need to practice social distancing if there are others waiting to enter, sanitize your hands, apply a mask, disinfect and apply protection eye glasses, record your arrival, complete a health screening questionnaire and temperature check, take a bag of cleaning cloths, and then proceed to the Resident’s room where you will remain for the duration of the visit.
Upon completing your visit you must sign out at the front desk and leave through the designated exit door in the cafeteria where you will sanitize your hands leave your eye glasses for cleaning, dispose of your mask and sanitize your hands again.
- While on site for an indoor visit, you cannot visit any other Residents besides your loved one, nor go to other areas on the site besides the Resident room
- All visitors are asked to help keep Resident rooms disinfected. When you go through screening, you will be given a bag with cloths to wipe down all surfaces you have touched in the Resident room during your visit. Used and clean cloths, and the plastic bag, are to be dropped off only in designated laundry baskets by the screening area as you exit
- No food or drinks are provided – the cafeteria is off limits to visitors and residents
- No food/drink is to be consumed by the visitor during the visit as you are to remain masked at all times
- If a visitor has a question or requires an item or assistance s/he should use the Resident’s call-bell system to obtain help (clean the call bell when done). It is important to avoid wandering through the unit looking for staff or trying to help
- Visitors are to plan ahead and use washroom facilities prior to arriving on site
- If there is only one resident in the room and the resident is not on isolation, a visitor may use the Resident’s washroom during the visit immediately cleaning and disinfecting all touched surfaces
- If resident is in a semi-private room – a visitor may use a public washroom located before the cafeteria area once your visit is
- Visitors must not:
Travel unnecessarily into hallways or shared spaces, or visit other areas in the home (cafeteria, basement, Four Seasons Room, Resident Dining Areas, etc.).
- If you would like to bring items for the resident when you come to visit please:
- Call Main Reception 780-473-5621 to be added to the drop off log
- Please leave the items on the table in the vestibule labeled with the residents name
- Please note: this is everything coming into the facility unless it is to be consumed by the resident during the visit.
- If visitors do not comply with the guidelines, visitation privileges can be suspended before reviewing whether it is possible to schedule visits again
Visitor Requirements
All visitors must:
- Be healthy and not be experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms
- Be vigilant in protecting the resident by practicing physical
- Distancing, wearing masks in public, following proper hand hygiene, restricting visitors in your own homes, limiting travel in your daily lives, following all Provincial restrictions and not visiting if these practices are not being met
- Coordinate all visits with the Case Manager, adhere to the Standing schedule, arrive within scheduled time, no later than 5:45pm and leave within scheduled time to allow for safe visitation for other residents
- Adhere to and respect visitation guidelines and general rules
Temporary Restriction of Visits (could occur in case of an Confirmed COVID-19 Outbreak as based on guidelines set out by the CMOH indicating temporary restrictions may be applied if there is imminent danger of a Covid-19 spread)
- Visits may be restricted due to:
- A Risk Tolerance Assessment indicating low/no tolerance to exposure to COVID-19 or low/no tolerance due to increased COVID case levels in the community
- A confirmed COVID-19 Outbreak
- An inability to safely have more visitors on site
Duration and frequency restrictions on visits shall occur in a collaborative manner with MOH, Residents and Families impacted:
- Consultation may occur with members of Resident or Family Council, AHS Patient Concerns Manager, or Edmonton Zone Medical Officer of Health (MOH)
- SMLTCC will attempt to work collaboratively with Residents and Families when applying restrictions by considering and offering alternative options
- DF/SPs shall never be overly restricted in their access to the Resident they support. This means, during a confirmed site COVID outbreak the DF/SP visit schedule may be adjusted but not prohibited altogether
Visiting Restrictions shall be re-evaluated within 14 days
This is a lot of information, but these steps are necessary to keep your loved ones and you safe and allow your family to spend this precious time together.
As always, thank you for your support, understanding, patience and diligence!