July 27 Visitation Guidelines
Here to keep you updated! St. Michael’s family updates/news as things change and evolve. Links to information and resources can be found on smhg.ca/covid19
July 27, 2020 Visitation Access Guidelines
Strict limitations to visitor access were necessary in earlier stages of the pandemic. With more knowledge about how to protect against Covid-19, visitation access is being revised for both indoor and outdoor visits based on Order 29-2020 issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health. As indicated in the Order however, it is critical that all public health safety measures continue to be implemented and observed by all persons to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Temporary additional time-limited restrictions developed in collaboration with residents, families, and staff and when necessary, AHS or Alberta Government representatives may also be applies with the threat of Covid-19 is imminent for our site.
The following guidelines for both indoor and outdoor visits with Residents of St. Michael’s Long Term Care Centre have been developed with input from, and taking into account the risk tolerance level, as expressed by residents, families and staff. Risk tolerance levels are not static and must be reassessed in consultation with residents, families and staff a minimum of every three weeks or as risk conditions change.
Please review this information as it is important that we adhere to the guidelines as set down by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
Designated Family/Support Persons
Previously each Resident or his/her alternate decision maker was able to identify one person who was able to perform the role of Designated Essential visitor (DEV). This role is now replaced. Effective immediately, we will work with each Resident or alternate decision maker to confirm up to two (2) Designated Family/Support Persons who will be recognized as part of the Resident’s care team and supported as essential to maintaining the Resident’s mental and physical health.
These persons shall be at least 18 years of age (unless there are exceptional circumstances to be considered) and may be a family member, friend, companion, support worker, legal guardian or any other person identified by the Resident or alternate decision maker.
All existing DEV’s are automatically now referred to as a DF/SP (unless an individual advised Site Administration of an inability to continue in the role).
If the DF/SP will be away and need a temporary change, please contact us.
Outdoor Visits
Anyone can come for the outdoor visit and the Designated Family/Support Person(s) does not have to be present. All outdoor visits will continue to be scheduled and staff supervised, and will take place on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, Friday’s at the following times:
11:10 am – 12:00 pm
1:30 pm – 2:20 pm
2:30 pm – 3:20 pm
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm
Unless contacted, your outdoor visit day and time will remain the same
Visits may include a MAXIMUM of FIVE (5) people which includes your loved one/Resident. Designated Family/Support Persons are not required to be present for the outdoor visit but are responsible for informing visitors of all guidelines.
Visits will be held in the Family Garden (between LTC and Millennium Pavilion buildings) and on the patio along the cafeteria. In addition, as some Residents are more comfortable indoors, we are in a unique position to offer visits with appropriate social distancing in Heritage Hall using outdoor visit guidelines
Visiting time with the Resident will be approximately 30 Â minutes
At this time, outdoor visits will continue to take place once per week for each Resident
Children are allowed as one of the four (4) visitors but they must be able to maintain social distancing or wear a mask at all times
Yes! To keep your loved one safe, during the visit you must keep your mask on at all times. Every visitor is required to bring their own mask
Visits are subject to weather conditions. If you are not sure, please double check our website or the COVID-19 Outbreak status phone line (780.472.4514) before coming to St. Michael’s
If you are not feeling well on the day of your scheduled visit or if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms which are new or unusual for you – it is important to stay home. Do not come to St. Michael’s. If for whatever reason you cannot make it, please contact Meagan at mwray@smhg.ca or 780.904.2739
Please arrive on time to the HERITAGE HALL Entrance (just west of the main long term care centre doors) and bring a pen with you. You will need to practice social distancing while waiting in line, sanitize your hands, apply a mask, complete a health screening questionnaire and temperature check, and if everything is in order you will then be informed of the location of your visit with your loved one.
When the allotted time is over, Staff will advise whether the Resident or visitors leave first
- The Designated Family / Support Persons are responsible to inform all visitors of the guidelines for outdoor visits
- Drop In Outdoor visits are not allowed
- All visitors are to provide their own masks
- No food or drinks are provided
- There will not be any public access to washrooms during your visit
Indoor Visits
The two (2) confirmed Designated Family/Support Persons are able to attend for indoor visits unless there are extenuating circumstances
Extenuating circumstances include:
- End of life is approaching (Resident is recognized as likely being within last 4-6 weeks of life)
- Significant change in Resident’s health status has occurred with the Resident’s health suddenly compromised
- Legal or financial matters that necessitate a visit with someone other than a DF/SP
Whenever extenuating circumstances exist, other visitors are able to attend indoor visits. Extenuating circumstance visitors may include other family, friends, accompanied minors, support persons or professionals
Visits may include a maximum of the two (2) Designated Family/Support Persons if the Resident is in a private room, or only one (1) Designated Family/Support Person if the Resident is in a semi-private room
Visits will be held in the Resident room. If a Resident is in a semi-private room, only one (1) family can visit at a time
Visits will be pre-arranged and can be for up to the full time allotted below but to ensure a safe number of people on site at once, visitors must arrive and leave within the allotted time.
Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
5:45 pm – 7:45 pm
Saturday and Sunday
9:00 am – 11:00 am
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
3:45 pm – 5:45 pm
To pre-arrange the visit please contact:
Lia N. 780-472-4790 / LNudelman@smhg.ca for Residents on the 1st floor; or  Tatsiana H. at 780-472-4795 / THaidukevich@smhg.ca for Residents on the 2nd floor
At this time, two Resident visits per time slot will be scheduled in each wing (red, blue, green), and these visits are in addition to scheduled outdoor visits. The schedule will remain the same from week to week
Yes! To keep your loved one safe, during the visit you must keep your mask on at all times. Every visitor is required to bring their own disposable mask. Should you forget, they will be available for a limited time after which charges will apply
If you are not feeling well on the day of your scheduled visit or if you have any of the COVID-19 symptoms which are new or unusual for you – it is important to stay at home. Do not come to St. Michael’s
Please arrive at the main Long Term Care Centre entrance. You will need to practice social distancing if there are others waiting to enter, sanitize your hands, apply a mask, record your arrival, complete a health screening questionnaire and temperature check and then proceed to the Resident’s room where you will remain for the duration of the visit
- While on site for an indoor visit, you cannot visit any other Residents besides your loved one, nor go to other areas of the site besides the Resident room
- Drop in visits are not allowed – all visits must be pre-arranged
- As of July 27, 2020 all individuals are required to sign a Release and Waiver Agreement in order to visit on site
- Visitors are to provide their own masks
- No food or drinks are provided
- If visitors do not comply with the guidelines, for example improper mask use, and have to be regularly reminded (3-strike policy), visitation privileges will be suspended for 3 weeks before reviewing whether it is possible to schedule visits
Under the new Order visitors might engage in physical touch, ie holding hands, but with this comes an increased risk of transmission. Visitors must follow the rules, wear a mask continuously, and wash hands before and after physical touch
Visitor Requirements
All visitors must:
- Be healthy and not be experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms
- Be vigilant in protecting the resident by practicing physical distancing, wearing masks in public, following proper hand hygiene, restricting visitors in your own homes, limiting travel in your daily lives, not visiting if these practices are not being met (see Covid Exposure and Risk Information attached)
- Bring your own clean mask and wear it continuously during the visit
- Adhere to the schedule as coordinated by the designated family/support person
- Adhere to and respect visitation guidelines and general rules
- Submit a signed Release and Waiver Agreement
Additional Information
Pets are not allowed for any visits at this time
While the new Order allows for flowers and food to be delivered for Residents, we discourage outside food unless it is an individual serving. If visitors wish to bring fresh fruit/food for an indoor visit, it should be enough for an individual serving with no ‘leftovers’ for refrigeration or future service. As always, we discourage flowers for Residents on the 2nd floor as they may attempt to consume them
Please note all other items coming into the facility will still follow the current policy
If the facility is on Outbreak (Covid-19 or other), visitations will be subject to further restrictions
We will continue to follow Resident Outings Guidelines for off site visits. A reminder that any off site visits 24 hours or longer will require the Resident to isolate for 14 days upon return. If a Resident is on isolation – visits will be suspended until isolation is over
If you would like to read Order 29-2020 in detail, the link is:
This is a lot of information, but these steps are necessary to keep your loved ones and you safe and allow your family to spend this precious time together.
As always, thank you for your support, understanding, patience and diligence!