Safe Visiting Guidelines For MPSL Visitors
Here to keep you updated! St. Michael’s family updates/news as things change and evolve. Links to information and resources can be found on
Effective Tuesday, July 28, 2020
ALL Visitors (for both indoor and outdoor visits) must comply with the following guidelines:
Indoor and outdoor visits will now be permitted only during these hours (7 days/week):
- 9:00am – 11:00am
- 1:00pm – 4:00 pm
- 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
No visits are permitted during mealtimes.
No drop-in visits are permitted. All visits must be coordinated by the Resident’s Designated Support Persons, with facility Manager at least 24 hrs in advance.
Indoor Visits
- only the 2 Designated Support Persons are able to visit indoors. No other visitors will be allowed into the building
- can only take place in resident room or lobby lounge on main floor
- check yourself for symptoms before arriving. DO NOT visit if you have any COVID-19 symptoms
- you will be screened by staff upon arrival
- you must bring your own mask and wear it during the entire visit
- resident should also wear a mask during the entire visit
- while you are visiting, you must try to remain 6ft apart
- do not visit with any other individuals you may run into during your time on site
- you are asked to clean the high-touch areas (door knobs, chair arms, bathroom fixtures, TV remotes, etc.) of the resident room following each visit. These areas should be cleaned with Lysol wipes or a disinfectant spray. Families/residents are to coordinate the purchase of wipes or spray and this is to be left in the resident
- you must sign and out at every visit
- upon arriving to site for a visit, carefully follow instructions posted in building vestibule
Outdoor Visits
- the resident’s Designated Support person(s) must set up this visit at least 24hrs in advance by contacting Manager
- will take place in the courtyard (in the tent or at the MPSL-designated table in the courtyard) or at the benches around the property. Spaces are first-come, first
- up to 4 people (plus the resident) are able to visit outdoors
- any non-designated support persons can visit at the outdoor
- Designated Support Person(s) do not have to be present at outdoor visits but are responsible for coordinating the outdoor visits AND ensuring the Safe Visiting Guidelines are shared with each outdoor visitor in advance of them
- check yourself for symptoms before arriving. DO NOT visit if you have any COVID-19 symptoms
- visitors can bring pets to the outdoor visits but this must be pre-approved by Manager
- visitors must bring their own mask and wear it during entire visit
- resident should also wear a mask during the entire visit
- while you are visiting, you must try to remain 6ft apart
- when you arrive for an outdoor visit, you must call the resident (using your own phone) and resident will have to meet your visitors in front of the building. You are NOT permitted to enter the building to get the resident
- when your outdoor visit is finished, you must wash or sanitize your hands
- all visitors must sign in and out at every visit
- upon arriving to site for a visit, carefully follow instructions posted in building vestibule
Items/Gifts For Residents
- bringing homemade treats, other food or gifts for residents is now permitted and these are to be given directly to resident during the visit
- staff will no longer be accepting supplies/food at the front entrance for residents
Non-Compliance Of Guidelines
If it is reported to staff, or seen on security cameras that visitors or residents are not complying with the above guidelines (i.e. removing masks during visits, visiting at unscheduled times, making drop-in visits, meeting residents in lobby with deliveries, etc.) action will be taken and visitation privileges may be revoked for all parties.
Remember – if you do not follow the guidelines, your actions are putting ALL residents and staff at risk of contracting Covid-19.